Why racist / right-wing white men like East Asian women

If you go through the roster of white nationalists and legitimate racists – you’ll find many if not most of them have non-white wives, with East Asian and Southeast Asian women being highly favored. John Derbyshire and his Chinese wife comes to mind. So does Charles Murray – the guy who literally came up with the idea of “human biodiversity” (i.e., blacks are dumb and masculine, Asians are feminine and smart, and whites are the perfect race); he had a Thai wife.

Go to any space where there is a large number of racist, weird, far-right, fringe white men – and there you will, and always have found, Asian women. The children of white men and Asian women, and other non-white women, are also heavily represented in right wing spaces.

Racist white men hate white women because they view them as feminist sluts who will sleep with black, Latino, Arab, or Asian men, and not be “traditional” for white men.

Sluts, as in, they have sex with an attractive man, for free, but not him. The average right-wing male’s mind is traumatized by the things he has seen women do to attractive men, since in my understanding, women are just as sexual as men – but only for a fewer number of attractive men.

Whether the right wing male’s celibacy or racism came first, I’m not sure, but it’s likely a self-compounding issue. His unattractiveness causes him to embrace right-wing politics, so he can feel “in control” of women. A lot of these incel, autistic, weird, sexless men develop racist, white supremacist tendencies, and as an act of their sexual desperation and desire to ‘get revenge’ on white women who wronged them – they seemingly mostly go for Asian women.

So, because he is incel, and wants to be able to feel strong and powerful, he seeks out “traditional” and “chaste” East Asian / Southeast Asian women, in his bid to feel like a proud white man with a woman that “respects” his whiteness. She makes him feel attractive and powerful, not like those “liberated, feminist white sluts” who have sex with attractive men.

He likes East Asian women because he views them as less “slutty,” traditional, and able to give him the unchallenged 1950’s lifestyle. They make him feel strong and powerful and unapologetically white. Faced with the threat of being lonely, an Asian wife makes him feel like he has a chance to be a man – to reproduce, to reclaim his masculinity when the “rampaging threat” of “feminism”, “mudsharks”, and “liberalism” reminds him that he’s unattractive.

The bigger problem is that a lot of white male / Asian women couples do not have sex, because the guy really is just not attractive. You have to find your partner attractive, to have sex with him, after all; and moreover, a lot if not most Asian women are downright asexual towards the men that they marry, since, after all, these same men were the ones who were unable to function within western society. If you are ugly to an American woman, you are ugly to all women. And, a lot of Asian and non-white women who marry white men, are perfectly fine never having sex or intimacy, just so long as she gains upward mobility and money – a perfect combo, in her mind (especially if she loathes Asian men for being ‘cheaters’ or something). She may even feel flattered that she gets to feel “beautiful” for once – and that a white person is the one picking her; even though beauty and race aren’t mutually exclusive at all.

After being denied sex by his Asian wife, he usually becomes more and more extreme as he boils in his celibacy. Bad for the kids; not only do they have an unattractive father who peddles them racism and white supremacy out of his sexual frustrration, but they have a self-hating mother who didn’t marry for love, but only for convenience; but the father is also racist, as well as on edge all the time, from lack of sex. SerpentZA is a perfect example.

Half-Asian men do way worse than full Asian men

The “hapa” situation summed up:

Step 1) Be an undesirable white male (an incel; think of all the old men who go to Asia, for example; whenever you hear a western man complain about dating and being rejected for his looks, the almost 100% predictable response is: “go to Asia.”)

Step 2) Go for self-hating Asian woman for an asexual, status marriage, as your last resort, in order to get laid, because frankly, a white woman won’t have sex with you (I know it sounds racist, but it’s the harsh truth, and it’s unfair to the kids). Asian women will marry you, just because they don’t want sex, but want an easier life.

Step 3) Have kids (have sex maybe once) and produce – what, exactly? A supermodel?

People are so narcissistic that they don’t want to admit that people look like their parents. If you’re an unattractive white man with an Asian wife – there’s really no guarantee that your kids are going to be supermodels. You look like your parents. Add to this the fact that saying “Eurasians” are the most beautiful mix is just flat out racist, because I highly doubt they’d ever say this about half-black / half-Asian people. Or any other combination of individual ethnicities. People of all races have good looking, average, and ugly. They never, ever, say this about full Asians; in their mind – full Asian or Asian looking is unattractive. People just make stuff up to justify their fetishes.

Growing up in New York’s Chinatown, I never once encountered the kind of “we iz superior halfie” talk. When I first encountered it, a fairly unattractive half-Asian girl came up to me and said: “I bet your dad is white, right?” It immediately made my skin crawl – what kind of insecure person says stuff like that? Before then, I instinctively identified as Asian, maybe because I saw what a pathetic, battered, dead-bedroomed man by white dad was. Meanwhile, my Asian friends were all out having sex, despite having the worst possible stereotypes. As is the case in most thing, small dogs (“Wasians”) bark loudest. How I hate that term (“Wasians”). Imagine a grown man calling himself that.

I mentioned in my long blog post that growing up, I literally only knew biracials of all stripes (including Asians) who had white mothers. (Maybe this was just pure chance, or maybe it’s because biracials with white fathers don’t really make it very far in life). I suspect this fostered a positive, masculine mentality in my mind. After all, Obama said, having a white mother means that being a black male is cool, because, well, his own mother liked black men. Duh. Also, once again, I should mention my mother died early.

Back when I was single, and girls were asking me out, they all had a thing for Asian guys. Not mixed guys, but Asian. And they made it clear that they didn’t care about the culture, music, or even food. They just thought I was handsome and, yes, sexy. One girl, when I asked her why she liked me, put her fingers on my over pronounced Asian cheekbones and said “this.” I’ve talked a lot to other Asian guys, and a lot of them have similar experiences, mainly women, mostly non-Asian, going out of their way to get at us, while many Asian women aren’t as cordial.

I never went around screaming about being “Wasian,” or being a superior Eurasian. When I gain weight, I basically look full Asian, or at least so Asian that I’ve had Chinese American and Chinese Chinese people look at me and just say: “you’re Chinese, right?” For better or worse, I’ve had Asian women randomly say shit to me about how they don’t like that I look Asian; remember, when the ultimate goal is integration into whiteness – even slightly Asian looking is too much.

Anyways, a couple years ago, when I was in NYC, my girl and I walked for a few blocks in midtown and I counted like 2 dozen WMAF couples, and obviously a bunch of hapas, since we were near Korea town. All of the hapas (obviously, all WMAF) were totally alone. This is a common trend I see – half-Asian men being totally alone with a look of desperation on their face. Even weirder, is I noticed more AMAF (Asian man / Asian woman) and AMWF couples, than Hapa men with anyone. When I was in China, I saw the same thing; hapas alone, with thousands of AMAF couples. Online, you always see biracial Asian men talking about how no woman wants them, and blaming their Asian side.

As I said, it’s almost impossible for the typical “we hate Asian men” WMAF couples to produce a healthy biracial man, because he will be identified generally as Asian by society, or, if he looks more ambiguous, will suffer from the same weird “celibate” issues that their white fathers suffered from, as well as suffering from the feeling of self-loathing and insecurities that their mothers suffered from. People have a tendency to downplay just how much your parents’ dynamic affect your reality. No one really wants an insecure male.

Basically, if your mother adamantly refused to date an Asian man, only prefers white men, and your racist-ass, unattractive father tolerated this, out of his desire to get laid, I don’t really see how a half-Asian male could do well, and real life confirms this. People love feelings of power, and when you’re a white man with a self-loathing Asian wife, obviously this will dictate how kids turn out.

This idea that “all half-Asian men are super good looking and high flying” – has its roots in insecurity (insecure people tend to talk loudest), and this weird “culture” of je-ne-said-quoi WMAF, where white men and self hating Asian women tried to make this a reality to fulfill their biased end goal.

I mean, look at what a WMAF couple is. Really look at it. The sons will be a representation of that.

It’s weird, because I’ve noticed this trend of AMWF hapas playing the sons of WMAF couples on TV. This is because AMWF biracials (Asian father, white mother), aren’t burdened with this idea that being Asian is a cardinal sin. The show “Chucky” is a good example of this.

One last note is that I’ve always primarily identified as Asian, because I have no choice. Asian women have attacked me for looking Asian, too.

But, my mother was dead and had no influence on my life; I saw how abusive my mother and her sisters were to their white husbands (that they admitted they did not love) behind closed doors and my gut feeling was that these guys just couldn’t get laid; AND, I suspect, because I look way, way, way more on the Asian side, my gut feeling is that looking Asian and male allowed me to be poached by way more girls who actually loved and cared about me for free – rather than looking like an ambiguous half-Asian with nasty WMAF parents (Basically, a “knock off” white guy, but with way more insecurities to boot.)

My gut feeling is that no woman really wants a half-Asian guy. They’ll want an Asian guy, or a white guy, so why settle for something in the middle? I’ve never met a woman who wanted me because I was half-Asian. 100% of the time, it was because I looked more on the Asian side, or, more accurately: “Asian.”

The average half-Asian guy really is a dead in the water, sexually invisible, overcompensating forever alone type, and this really isn’t surprising why. Nor is it surprising why so many are loud mouthed, overcompensating, wannabe white boys. That, and there’s a ton of gay hapa males too, probably a result of the emasculation program done by their parents. I think it’s comical when people say half-Asian men are all top of their game playboys. Look at Joji, the singer, who sings about being cheated on and lonely and what not; then look at Zhu, a full Asian singer who sings about having women cheat with him. I guess that’s a perfect example of why I identify more with full Asians. I can’t relate to the Caucasian feeling of sexual angst that most biracial Asian men feel; but at the same time, when I see some forlorn looking, permasingle biracial, WMAF “Wasian,” I also get panic attacks.

Last bit: most hapa women date white men, and since many hapa women consider themselves unattractive, they associate white men with elevating their social status and sense of beauty. Also, since I suspect many half-Asian women are asexual like their mothers, they just go for white men – because asexuality and worshipping of whiteness are somehow linked. And hapa men, assuming they look more ambiguous, if they do manage to “date,” usually wind up with quite unattractive women. A lot are also gay – probably as a result of being so emasculated by their parents and society at large, and because I guess they gave up on trying to find a woman.

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The Half Asian Experience – the ugly reality of having a racist white dad / and a racist Asian mom – and looking “too Asian”

An example of the vomit inducing racism that is common among the white men who deliberately seek out East Asian women; my father included.

I previously retired this topic, but after recently being triggered by yet another Nazi in Germany who has an East Asian wife – I thought I should just leave yet another permanent mark.

I’m writing this out of concern for half-Asians that will come, and half-Asians that have come before.

But – let me sum it up. My dad was a racist, basically undesirable white dude, and my mom was a mentally unstable, extremely self hating Asian woman.

My problem? People consider me Asian, and male, and I think that it’s my right to talk about this. That’s it.

I’m not against intermarriage; I’ve been with almost every race of woman. I’m not crazy. I just want to write about this, because I think it’s worth writing about. I think it’s incredibly unfair and cruel. Heck, maybe the fact that I’m attractive to women gives me the balls to write about this in the first place, cause, what will I lose? People can call me incel and a “bitter full Asian man” all they want, but stepping outside proves otherwise.

Imagine looking predominantly Chinese (or, more specifically, non-white), yet you have a Chinese mother who wants to have “white children,” and a white, racist father who wanted to “replace” white women with “submissive, traditional” East Asian women. I see this ALL the time, and I’m the only one ringing alarm bells about it, and have been the only for, for the better part of 15 years. This is stuff I knew instinctively since I was a kid. I’ve been standing up for Asian men my entire life.

Ever heard of QAnon? Yes, that QAnon – the far right conspiracy theory? Guess who’s behind it? The owner of the far right 8chan forum that produced multiple Neo Nazi mass shooters. Father, and his half-Asian son. Like they say in far right circles, “never ask a white nationalist what race his wife is.”

As we all know, being East Asian and male means that you, by default, are treated as “other,” meaning people don’t really even view you as a man, you’re at best, an “exception”. People feel they have the right to talk down to you. We all know East Asian women are highly sought after by a subset of “weird” men – but this creates half-Asian children that have roughly a 50% chance of coming out looking Asian, and 50% chance of being male. So, let’s just say for argument’s sake, that maybe 20% of half-Asians come out looking:

Too Asian.

This is basically, the worst case scenario for self-hating Asian women, my mother included, and obviously bad for creepy, far-right, ultra conservative white men looking for someone to replace his white-power fix with. The real world operates on principles of hierarchies, and looking “too Asian” and being male makes one a convenient punching bag for peoples’ insecurities.

The divide between “happy hapas” and the hapas who complain, is whether or not we actually look East Asian (also, whether we’re straight*, or not). I look or at least have been bullied for being East Asian – which means that I must look East Asian enough to be unhappy and traumatized, by all the negative things people have said and done to me. If I had to sum up how this world views race – even how so called progressives view race – whiteness is the ideal end-game, because it basically means “an easier life.” And this reflects heavily on the mental states of mixed race people of all stripes. *I mention straight, because a strangely high number of biracial Asian men are gay, and this means that they serve a “function” to the white power structure.

That’s the gist of this all.

My dad was a racist (usual Holocaust denial, Ezra Pound reader, Nixon was good, Enoch Powell is legit reading, HAM radio listening, blacks are the devil, Latinos are taking over America, Muslims are Satanic, gays are evil, Jews are evil, etc., run of the mill hardcore racism) but he admitted that he had Asperger’s and this may have had a correlation with him going for a Chinese woman. Basically, he could not get a white woman, as blunt as that sounds. Like most white men, I’m sure he preferred a white woman, but simply felt rejected by them.

That’s it. La donna e mobile, and some men just can’t get laid, and East Asian women are their fix.

“Well, I can’t get laid, but at least I can give East Asian women my big white dick, since Asian men are so pathetic.” That’s literally what Cenk Uyghur said in his college blog – and now he’s “apologized” and has a half-Asian son. Did he apologize AFTER having a half-Asian son? Yep!

Originally, my daddy dearest wanted a Japanese woman, since he studied Japanese and had a masters in it, but I guess he settled for a Chinese woman who was also studying Japanese. He deeply resented black men and Latino men for apparently “stealing” white women. He was deathly afraid of sex, and he feared that black and darker men were more sexually capable of getting laid than himself – though he never directly admitted it. Based on his behavioral patterns, he was just a far right incel afraid of women. He was autistic, aspie, antisocial, whatever, but he literally just could not get laid like a normal dude. So, an Asian woman it was. Men highly prioritize sex, and when they feel as if white women are not going to give it to him (but give it to someone else that he feels does not deserve it), he will seek to get his needs, and ego, met elsewhere, completely voiding on the cognitive dissonance of being a white nationalist with an Asian wife.

Whether being incel comes first, or far right politics comes first, is up in the air; I suspect they compound on one another. But East Asian women in particular are the right-wing, insecure man’s chance to become the “dominant” one and “take control” of women, when he is rejected by “slutty” white women. Am I saying that white women are the most attractive? Not to me, personally, since as a red blooded male – I like all women, but in the minds of many men, and women alike, there is a resentful jealousy of white women. What I’m saying is that East Asian and Southeast Asian women are basically a “sexual safety net” to catch the insecurities of every unattractive (mentally, physically, but usually both) man on the planet.

I’m still piecing together bits of my family story but apparently my dad had an ex (white) girlfriend who left him for a Mexican national who was some kind of cartel banker (I don’t know if he was exaggerating or what, but he was obsessed with cartels). A lot, and I mean a lot, of far right personalities and figureheads favor East Asian women because they view them as traditional and less likely to sleep with black or ethnic men, or sleep around at all. Look up John Derbyshire – a literal white nationalist with a Chinese wife, a son, and a daughter; he explicitly encouraged his daughter to marry white, and celebrated that his grandson looked like Winston Churchill. His son? Still single.

Richard Spencer, Chuck C. Johnson, “Based Stickman” Kyle Chapman, Jim Watkins (founder of 8Chan) and co-conspirator in the ridiculous QAnon conspiracy theory (along with his Half-Asian son, Ron Watkins), Charles Murray (the author of the racist book “the Bell Curve”) – all have been with or are currently married to East Asian or Southeast Asian women. Even if you’re a liberal, a conservative, whatever, or literally anyone of any normative sensibility – do you really want the children of said men running around? Does this create a healthy society? Or, have we become so societally broken that we no longer care?

These far right types view white women as the “whorish” enemy subjected to “liberal feminist propaganda”, but in reality, they’re just unattractive men who couldn’t get a white / any woman to give them bedroom eyes, and they turned to the far right as a way to fight against the meat grinder that is free sexuality. Politics, in general, are nothing but a coping mechanism for the male sex drive and said men’s exclusion from sexuality.

I suspect a lot if not most Asian and even half-Asian women are genuinely asexual, which makes them less “slutty,” which means in the far-right white man’s mind, they cannot cheat and “divorce rape” white men. After all, you can’t bang another man if you can’t bang at all. However, the asexuality generally causes problems, because no marriage can be fulfilled while being asexual…. but I’ll touch on that later.

A lot of Asian women marry white men specifically for the social standing, or because they want to “avoid” sexuality with Asian men. Others do it because they are averse to the idea of love, and simply want to marry someone to provide them with access to more fluid social mobility. This doesn’t mix well with white men who want “submissive Asian sex dolls” to replace “white feminist sluts.” When you take an incel, put him into a dead bedroom with an Asian woman, there’s a high likelihood his mental illness will compound. Bad for kids.

My Chinese family is filled with literal psychopaths. Many of them are at the top level in East Coast society, and they’re genuinely psychos, self hating to the max, extreme liars (particularly about the source of their wealth), abusive to their children, siblings, even to my father. My mother’s brother, a super rich guy, was apparently a horrible bully to his sisters, always calling them ugly. My mom, now I realize like much of my family, was not attractive by Chinese standards and I think this led to their journey to the west and this insane overcompensation with money and social status at the expense of everyone they’ve met. Chinese people, and to a similar extent many East Asians, operate on principles of pure pragmatism.

This may have contributed to my mother’s mentality, but she was also genuinely psychotic, so it’s hard to forgive, and twenty years after she killed herself I have no room to empathize anymore. She resented my father, mocked him for being white, always complained to my brother that whites were lazy and hated studying, had no ambition, etc. She also was an extreme feminist and admitted that she had always wanted daughters, not two sons. This was so extreme that she attempted to kill me several times by driving at high speeds and swerving rapidly while screaming at me that she was going to kill me. I don’t know if she was doing this because I looked more Asian and reminded her of Asian men, or because she wanted to get back at my father who she thought was a loser. (There’s been speculation that many WMAF couples prefer having daughters, over sons, for obvious reasons; a half-Asian son is a liability, an uncertainty, but a daughter is a pawn to be played in the quest for white assimilation).

My parents never had sex, never even said I love you, never kissed, never hugged, etc; (I genuinely suspect most WMAF couples do not have sex, which leads to even more extreme behavior, like the guy who killed John Lennon). She was routinely abusive to us, beating us with knives, hot clothes irons, violin bows, coat hangers, calling us stupid, worthless, etc. She used to yell at my father while he was eating to the point that for years he would cover his face with his hand while eating to avoid the shame of her mocking the way he chewed. My father was forced to sleep on the floor, or on the couch outside of her bedroom, for the better part of 20 years. My mother would drag me into her bedroom and have me lie down next to her in her depressive state and tell me what a loser my father was – things like “he eats an entire bag of chips at once.”

I talked to her sisters about this (one married Chinese, still in love with husband who she earns more than), and one who has been with two white men and admitted she never loved them and I’m almost positive is a 60 year old virgin. The latter woman, has a white / Jewish boyfriend that I’m certain without a shadow of a doubt that she has never even kissed, and every time they’re together, she just viciously verbally abuses him: “are you stupid? What’s wrong with you?”

Both women gaslit me about the abuse I went through and were shocked that I had issues, (I guess they think I look too white, which I don’t think I do because of my bones), but I got my WMAF aunt to open up about how she never loved her white partners and was paranoid about Asian men cheating (because apparently she suspected her father of cheating). She still has an open resentment against AMWF when I bring up an uncle of mine who has been married to white women – I tested her response by mentioning this and she literally just asked: “what race is his wife, White?!” She’ll then make comments about how all Chinese and Japanese men are short – and looks at me as if I don’t somehow think that’s disturbing.

Well, as we know, hell hath no fury.

However, I suspect that deep down, the idea of marrying a white person is just more pragmatic. Asians are literally on the razor’s edge of pushing the boundaries of survivalist pragmatism. I have no rhyme or reason to explain any of this, other than it’s hellish. I should note I by circumstance have another adopted aunt on my white side of the family, who also married two white men, and in a completely separate conversation mentioned she did not love them. I suspect she knew of my reputation and activism and was trying to comfort me.

I have seen weird things in life, though; I had an old friend whose sister was dating a black guy and he was super insecure about it, and he only dated Asian girls. He wound up with a half-Asian girl who according to rumor wasn’t sleeping with him a year before the marriage…. and I had proof she was stalking me, instead. She was the type of hapa girl to basically be primed since birth to marry a white man by her mother – and was taking up the mantle of asexual status marriage to a hu-white man. I have a female cousin who is a full blown racist who always talks about how great white people are, and when traveling to Asia and back, she claimed that she would kiss every white person she saw when she arrived at JFK airport. J -F – Friggin’ – K Airport! – go count how many white people are there. She also has a white boyfriend that she refuses to bring to family gatherings because, in her words, “he’s too ugly.” Perfectly normal WMAF things.

These people scare me. Basically, for whatever reason, I see through “marriage,” and the BS that people push, and understand life for what it is.

I don’t know how much of any of what my family tells me about their past is true (people have a tendency to lie) but from what I garner the whole thing is a mess. My brother is a mess, and is a far-right, almost 40 year old shut-in despite my best attempts to fix this. He is self-loathing and firmly believes East Asian men are feminine, can’t get girls, and he himself resents black men having sex with white women.

My conclusion after all of this time, is that I honestly also think that East Asian women have a viciously pragmatist, asexual view of life, which means that they are more willing to engage in a pragmatist, asexual relationship with a white man for a maximum return on privilege and social ascendancy. However, the problem is that when you have a Neo-Nazi white father who hates white women and ethnic minorities, and an East Asian mother, yet do not look white, and worse, look Asian (which nets you extreme bullying by western society) – you will be screwed in the head. In what world, literally, in what world – would a half-Asian with racist parents be able to function?

In the ideal world of far-right white men and East Asian women – basically, they will “replace” men of color and white women… the only barrier to this endgame being how white the kids look. Tell me – do half-Asians look white?

“Happy hapas” generally are the ones who look more white. It’s a roll of the dice and considered a victory for a hapa to look white. If you don’t believe me, go ask one; they have all the same tendency to celebrate how “white” they look and they hyper-analyze their white heritage to minute and ridiculous levels – all out of overcompensation over their “inferior” Asian blood.

The way my Chinese family tells me to “use my white privilege” is disgusting, but fairly typical nihilistic Chinese bullshit. Again, I apparently look Asian enough to those with discretion, because I have very “Asian bones.” How do I know this? I literally had someone say that to me, verbatim. I’ve heard everything from “you have a very Asian body,” to “when you tilt your head down, you look fully Asian.” People are weird.

As a result, some people say I look predominantly Asian, while others say I look whiter (to an extent that I don’t really identify as mixed). Ultimately, when people find out that you’re half Asian, they will eviscerate you for it to the point that you give up talking about being half white at all, in my case.

I myself have been bullied for it by friends and family, and have heard from East Asian women themselves who went out of their way to mock me for it. The universal theme is that people always make comments about my lack of sexual prowess; on three separate occasions, I’ve had literal East Asian women mock me for “getting no pussy.” That is weird – because I had my first time at 12 years old; but it’s like a go to instinct of people to suggest that East Asian men and half-East Asian men are incapable of having sexual relationships. In this regard, a large chunk of East Asian women literally behave like incels in their hyper focus on how seemingly “pathetic” East Asian men are. Incels, in general, are preoccupied with racial sexual hierarchies, just like Elliot Rodger. The bigger irony here is that Asian women are indeed the literal definition of celibate, so the fact that they simultaneously try to push their mixed sons as sexual demigods, and yet bully them if they look too Asian, is bizarre.

A non-functional, asexual marriage to a white man is less problematic than not being able to integrate properly. “Love” need not apply.

I’m on the taller side (not by a huge margin, though, and I’ve come across very tall half-Asian men who very clearly can’t get laid) and very socially adept so this may have negated a lot of the problems, that other biracials have and I was raised in NYC’s Chinatown with predominantly Chinese friends, which also maybe saved me; also by pure circumstance my young life just put me around a lot of OTHER biracials – all of whom, for some strange, almost supernatural reason, had East Asian or non-white fathers, and subconsciously this saved me (I suspect WMAF biracials never really go that far in life). I was about 28 when I realized all the biracials I knew had Asian dads, meaning that my suspicions about how screwed up WMAF biracials are, was correct.

Asians, on the other hand, are some of the worst offenders of antagonizing and alienating biracials. Growing up in Chinatown, my friends acknowledged I was Asian, while others will tell me I’m white if only to piss me off the way that sociopathic, self-loathing Asian people just seem to love doing. And yes, while I’d love to avoid this subject- a lot of Asian women just absolutely thrive in trying to weaponize me; one moment I’m “white” and proof that biracials are “white,” and the next I’m “too Asian” to be seen as sexual. However, again, I grew up in Chinatown, which was, for a good part of my life, somewhat of a buffer.

However, from what I understand, a lot of white men (including my father) want to raise their half-Asian children in white areas, alongside their “replacement white woman” wife. This is disastrous in so many ways.

My father used to fight my mother before she commit suicide, telling me that I should leave “Jew York City” and move to his rural hometown. It’s a mess. My mother, before she took her own life, repeatedly warned me not to go with my father to his all-white town. At very least, I owe her that.

I can understand how hapas in general will be a huge mess, especially given how racist a chunk of Asian women are towards anyone who even looks vaguely East Asian and male.

I think among hapas, there’s a lot of latent resentment against Asian men for a number of reasons, and there’s even a hierarchy of how valuable a Eurasian is based on how non-Asian we look. Looking more Asian bumps you down the totem-pole. Looking anything short of a young Leonardo DiCaprio as an half-Asian, is tantamount to being seen as worthless; because of how long and pervasive these ridiculous and unfounded biases against Asians have been, to the extent that the only “good” Asian is a mixed one, and only if he’s a supermodel.

This is the reason why, despite trying to bring attention to this subject of racist WMAF for so long, ultimately other half-Asians tried to silence me. At the end of the day, many if not most half-Asians truly take after their parents’ racism and asexuality, and ultimately view being a Nazi with an Asian wife less heinous than the crime of being proudly Asian and refusing to assimilate. Also, a lot of biracial Asians are fundamentally insecure, and rely heavily on myths of being super sexy, (despite this not being true well over half the time), in order to function – and when a biracial Asian complains, that makes them lose their flimsy hold on social status and whatever chance they have of getting laid.

(I must note that a huge, huge majority of hapa / biracial women marry white, and this creates a massive chip in the mind of the biracial Asian male). If you don’t believe me, find a biracial Asian and talk to him and wait five minutes before the Asian joke comes out or he says something that proves how insecure he is about being Asian. Hell, I’ve even heard from other biracial men, bullying towards the fact that I look “more Asian.”

People’s mentalities are rooted in survival, and it doesn’t matter how evil an act is, ultimately they will choose survival and integration over moral integrity. Also, as I get older, I start to suspect that there is an intense resentment against East Asian men, and, maybe, just maybe I think my success with women despite being East Asian looking – is one of the reasons why people have zero sympathy for East Asian men or Asian looking biracials. Remember, my aunt told me that she feared most Asian guys were cheaters and players – and I’m torn on whether or not she’s lying about this, or if, based on how aggressive women are towards me despite knowing I’m Asian – if we / I am a player. But again, I’m also fully aware that most Hapas I see are nothing short of celibate.

I’m sure you’ve heard of Elliot Rodger. He’s one of the most famous half-Asians of all time.

Aside from the heinous mass murder, Elliot Rodger was a fairly run of the mill Hapa / Halfie / Eurasian male. He hated and thought he was better than full Asians, overcompensating for his insecurity by talking about how he was a “beautiful Eurasian,” and was basically just a loud mouthed, racist permavirgin. With the high number of Eurasians born from self-hating Asian moms and (racist) white fathers, it’s really no stretch of imagination to understand why half-Asians are the way they are.

Elliot was raised to think he was a superior Eurasian, rather than an Asian, wasn’t able to deal with the microaggressions and endless torrent of dumb comments that come with being any-percent Asian. Most people make racial comments to anyone with Asian blood, and Elliot was simply raised to think that it didn’t apply to him and it didn’t NEED to apply to him. Meanwhile in the real world East Asians, particularly the men, are subject to nearly constant never ending bullying, casual racism, etc, even from self-hating Asian women who literally have bullied ME (a half Asian) by saying stuff like “you need to go to China to get laid.”

Half-Asians can deny this all they want, but at this point I know that they’re straight up lying if they do, and they know they’re lying because they too, are an insecure Eurasian who can’t afford to say the truth because they’re afraid they’ll lose their job or whatever slim chance they have of getting laid.

Elliot’s mother raised him to be white, for integration, assimilation, money, and success purposes. He wasn’t white though. Eurasians never look white except in a minority of cases, and even then he was maybe 80% of the way there, and just looked ambiguous – but not white. It was a very dangerous mentality to pretend or think you’re white when you’re not, and anyone who has discretion (including other Asian women like his own mother) knows he’s not white. He never fully actualized and understood why his mother married a white man, so he just went with “I’m a pretty superior Eurasian” until he stewed in his own self hatred and entitlement. Also his father worked in Hollywood, which basically is the epicenter of racism explicitly directed against East Asian men. Add to this the possibility of the typical cruel mother, racist father dynamic, fighting, throwing things – which may have happened; I don’t know.

He hated Asian men with such ferocity, since many of these Asian / white parents hate Asian men simply because the whole idea was to avoid alienated, low status, non-assimilable Asian men and those pesky, feminist, picky white women who “only date men for their looks / sex”. Asian women became the vestiges of revenge for white men – a way to take back their legacy and take revenge on white women, and Asian men.

He was also immensely triggered by the idea of East Asian men having sex with white women – which is fairly normative, because most people hate this. They even hate the idea of Asian men having sex with Asian women. A lot of men are raised to think that toxic masculinity, money, etc., are the key to women, and when an East Asian man, the supposed lowest of the low, gets women, it disrupts the entire fabric of their reality. This applies to all races; a lot of men of all colors subconsciously inherit this idea that Caucasian wealth, power and appearance means the most access to sex, and, maybe, to some degree – they’re correct (though it does not mean, and will never mean, access to love). The even bigger irony is that when a man fails to get the sex he wants – he almost uniformly defaults to Asian women as his last power play. “Well, I can’t compete in the fair market, might as well ‘dominate’ Asian women with my Big Whatever Cock”.

So naturally Elliot targeted (and murdered) full Asian men and blonde white women – the mortal enemy of untouchable, MGTOW, racist white men and status seeking Asian women. He wanted to feel better than full Asian men and get what he was promised – the white man’s access to women (yet his father couldn’t get white women hence his marriage to not one, but two foreign non-white women).

This mentality is pretty common among Half Asians; “I’m Scottish below the waist,” “we’re not Asian men, we’re Eurasians,” etc. It’s mental illness, a pathetic one, and super, duper common, whether right wing, left wing, etc. They seem to all have this combination of leering insecurity, a need to feel special, a hatred of Asian men, and a hyper-emphasis on their non-Asian side.

Many half-Asians are replacement, knock off “white” men with a massive insecurity over being half Asian when their own insane, belittling mothers were trying to explicitly remove Asianness, while their fathers were looking for maximum return on their whiteness; add to that fact the even more alarming concern of right wing, legit-racist, lower-caste, social-pariah, pseudo-Nazi “I’m not racist, my Asian wife is practically white” types who default to Asian women.

The universal overarching theme with half-Asians is almost always this pathological, deep seated hatred of East Asian men (my guess is, out of insecurity and desperation to dump on someone in a supposedly “lower position”), something that the global population seems to possess, but it’s somehow even worse when it’s on a half-Asian. I wish I could accurately describe just how insecure half-Asians are about being Asian, but, again, I beseech you to really think about what the average WMAF couple does to their sons.

Add to this the fact that Elliot Rodger’s sister was having loud sex with guys in his house (which is basically sexual assault, but again, we’re not allowed to heckin’ talk about this), he basically was messed up from the start, since obviously there’s no changing how hypersexualized our society is while we’re basically never gonna address the trend of unsexable men going for foreign women. It’s a terrible mix; western society has become a sexual meat grinder, and the incels left over basically all go for East Asian women to feel like they’re not left out. Since our new society is so sex-focused and completely drained of any empathy as people grow more and more insecure and desperate, East Asian men will remain the permanent Persona Non Grata – the universal punching bag for the insecurity of every undersexed bastard around. I find it funny that white men visualize this future with their well-educated, super-tall, super-athletic, rich, masculine, beautiful half-Asian sons being able to compete with “Chads”, when they don’t realize that their sons – by their own definition within their own ideal society – fail to meet the mark, due to being half-Asian.

Does the average WMAF couple want mixed sons? Or white sons? You tell me.

Of course, with half-Asians, there is always the issue of broken parents, a racist white father who isn’t getting laid, and a vicious mentally unstable Asian mother who hates herself, her husband, and the fact that her son doesn’t look totally white enough to maintain her fantasy of integration.

All the time, I go outside and I see these “Wasian” guys walking around alone, or on a bike, with this despondent look on their face, heavy eye bags, a look of total forlorn desperation, like in that video “what half Asians wish you knew” on Youtube (You can just look this up and see the thumbnail). I remember on my last trip to America, I saw like two dozen WMAF couples in the space of 15 minutes around Koreatown in Midtown Manhattan, and a bunch of hapas walking around with glazed eyes, alone. Even in Asia, I see thousands upon thousands of happy Asian couples, and the half-Asian men are always alone.

And as a half-Asian who just identifies as full Asian (cause I have no choice), I just straight up spend a lot of time worrying about these cats. The ultimate irony of all of this is that many half-Asians, having such poor quality fathers, and such vicious Asian mothers, are actually in similar situations: basically unlovable / unbangable, but blame it on being half-Asian. In reality, what I actually suspect at the end of the day, is that full Asian men, including totally Asian looking hapas, are unironically better off because what I suspect is that more women seek full Asian or fully East Asian looking men for actual love, than they do for more Caucasian looking men (who are merely used for social ascension). But the world isn’t that simple – it doesn’t allow for just love. It’s the white man’s world, after all, one rooted in greed, theft, and buying access to women, where a man’s worth is how much money he can throw at her. God forbid a woman marries a man because she loves and actually desires him.

And so, we’re locked in an eternal war between ruthless, money-based, status-based WMAF couples and their children – and people who are fine just loving. Just like all my girlfriends have just loved me, because, let’s be honest, I look Asian. I’ve never met a woman who ever liked me for being mixed; it’s always been because I look Asian.

In the words of an Asian female friend of mine, self-loathing Asian women, the losers who go for them, and their children, are just upset that a woman can love an Asian man, more than they could ever love a white man. That’s the nature of this world. Everything is fake other than love.

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