Severe lack of popular, mainstream Asian-looking WMAF hapas and biracials

Can you guess why this is?

Society is racist against Asian males, but makes an exception for Asian women.

Asian women prefer, en masse, to marry white males – precisely because society is racist against Asian males, and they have been doing this for decades. There are hapas now that are in their 40’s. Hell, that’s not true, there are hapas in their 70’s, from the second world war.

So…. where are they?

A lot of people like to cite white passing hapas as proof of success. Guys like Nathan Adrian. But at least half of hapas look predominantly Asian. And so, where are they?

Well, the reality is, that they don’t become successful.

Because when your mother is actively working to “whiten” and “remove” your Asian heritage, “Americanize” and assimilate you, yet you get bullied and have to deal with endless harassment and racism for being Asian – how would you ever be able to overcome that? By relying on your (maybe racist) white father? Or… your white-supremacist Asian mother who wants you to have light hair, light eyes, and pass off as white at all costs, and goes out of her way to integrate with whites at all costs, which means talking down about Asian males as part of her assimilation routine?

Here’s a good example: Darren Criss, an actor who literally admitted that he’s glad he doesn’t look Asian. This is basically the metric for success for biracials. What a wonderful world we live in.

I often wonder how WMAF couples are able to have the audacity to think that WMAF hapa sons don’t notice these things. How could we not? It’s central to our identity. The fact that Asian women are world famous for marrying white, and only white men, with the ideal being to assimilate and avoid Asianness, how on earth could a half-Asian, particularly one who looks Asian, be able to overcome this?

White supremacists try to pit WMAF half-Asians against BMWF mulattoes

There’s a war of insecurity going on race-related, white supremacist spaces. As with all things, it’s related to sex. And sex and power are intricately linked.

Insecure white and hapa men, intimidated by white women sleeping with black men, try to compare the half-Asian children of white men and Asian women, with the “inferior” children of black men and white women.

They like to push the idea that half-black children born of the enemy, black men and white women, are inherently inferior to the children born of superior white men and their ‘replacement’ white women (“traditional, chaste, submissive’ Asian women).

But it’s not about reality. In fact there are probably 1,000x more half-black people in popular culture and sports than there are half-Asians. For a number of reasons, probably mostly because having a racist unattractive white dad and racist Asian mom isn’t really conducive to being successful, especially if you’re not white by any technicality. Even Obama said that his mother taught him that being a black guy was cool. What do WMAF couples teach their kids? That being white is cool; but we’re not white.

Again, like most of what racists push, it’s not about reality. It’s about basically incel white men being insecure about “BBC” and trying to find solace in their “BWC colonialist” fantasies about Asian women (the only women they can maximize their whiteness with). It’s staggeringly racist and it’s comical that it even exists and nobody talks about it. Now we’re just left with millions of Eurasians born from white supremacist parents, one of which isn’t even white.

WMAF couples hope for half-Asian daughters over half-Asian sons

All you have to do to shut down racist interracial couples is to remind them that their children will generally have a 50% chance to look like the gender-racial combo that they hate.

I recently learned that my mother had resented that she had two sons, and this would explain why she attempted to kill me several times by driving at erratic speeds while literally screaming she was going to kill me.

This makes sense. The average WMAF couple is rooted in the idea that the male in the relationship not be Asian, and be white. The white guy, of course, looking for his chance to feel desirable for once in his life and take revenge on those slutty white women who rejected him, hates Asian men because it makes him feel powerful to “cuck” Asian men, as opposed to himself being passed over and “cucked.” People in general are incredibly insecure, and look for any opportunity to punch down to feel better. Oftentimes, the Asian wife doesn’t even really help him feel big, since A) she won’t touch him, and B), unfortunately she’s just a backup plan.

Obviously they want cute hot Asian daughters, not sons. The idea of a half-Asian son looking too Asian throws a wrench in the idea of a white-male-supremacist relationship in which the Asian woman is bussed in to secure white male dominance.

There’s no world in which the average WMAF couple wants Asian sons; the idea is to reward white maleness, and Asian women just happen to be the ones most willing to do so.

What is yellow fever / an Asian fetish? (From a half-Asian males perspective)

An Asian fetish, demonstrated usually by a white male, is the idea that Asian women will give him the time of day when every other woman proves too “slutty” or “picky” to appreciate him and his whiteness. But in reality, he’s just unattractive.

Yellow fever is just guys who cannot get non-Asian girls, let’s be honest. Racial preferences IRL make a lot of people uncomfortable because any straight guy generally will find all types of women attractive. I have a good friend who only went for Asian or half-Asian girls, because 1) he tried to get white girls but was getting rejected (he was a decent looking guy) and 2) his sister was dating a black guy, and a lot of white guys feel intimidated by this.

Every single time, and this is not hyperbolic, there is discussion about what white men should do, when they fail with white women – Asian women (East and Southeast) are suggested. No matter how big a failure a man is – he is suggested to “go East.” They literally suggest outsourcing their worst, most unbangable, oftentimes hyper-racist men, to Asian women; and now there are millions of kids born from these men.

He gets to “save” her from misogynistic Asian males while being able to leverage his whiteness onto her to feel powerful and unapologetically white, and unchallenged, when no other woman will take him.

It’s no coincidence that almost every single male that fails to function at a high level and suffers from some sort of crippling ailment that affects how he demonstrates himself as a “man,” winds up developing an “Asian fetish.” When you have a male who is almost inexorably “weird” or unattractive – along comes the Asian wife.

What do Asian women get out of it? Well, a lot see a sexless, asexual, totally invisible male as a good thing, as long as they get white children and social inclusion out of it – without having to have sex. Many if not most WMAF couples do not have sex. We, the children, get nothing out of it, other than broken homes, weird parents, and self-loathing. Why on earth would a half-Asian male EVER be proud of coming from a literal incel father, and a self-loathing Asian mother?