The sexual war between Asian men and Asian women (and white men and men of color)

The divide between Asian men and Asian women is kind of simple. It’s sort of something I noticed over time. It’s actually the fact that Asian men are hypersexual, but Asian women are not.

As an Asian guy I personally know Asian guys who have an incredibly easy time in being intimate with non Asian women, for the reason being that our features, hairlessness, faces, etc. work well on our faces and makes us what I suspect to be the most attractive males. You can see this even with some of the Amerindian looking Mexican guys and some pretty boy black guys. Long before I even knew about any of this, I used to have this gut feeling that I had it on “easy mode” with sex and dating, because of my facial features.

Asian women, however, have the lowest libidos, so many resent Asian men as being “players” and “unfaithful.”

Also, I have seen white guys, even good looking rich ones, struggle to get past first base with women. Yes, I’ve even seen this with hapa guys as well, at least the whiter and ambiguous ones.

On the other hand, I’ve noticed women are more sexually forward towards me and it was pretty obviously because I was Asian. I had to talk with A LOT of people to understand that what I went through was not normal for a man.

So, a lot of Asian women go for white men precisely to avoid sexuality.

Meanwhile, a lot of XF go for Asian men specifically for sexuality, doing things for Asian men they wouldn’t for white or other men.

This causes the issue in our community and in the perception of Asian men and women. Conservative white men seek out Asian women for being less sexual. Asian men, having way more options than white men, or even other races of men, tend to have very high standards, and fuccboyish behavior, which upsets Asian women. However, conservative white men, due to having no intimacy with their partners, lash out a lot, sometimes getting violent with their Asian female partners, and oftentimes take out their anger on Asian men. Meanwhile, Asian men, being more sexually prolific, can be abusive and demanding, but, also, have a tendency to avoid conservatism and other nefarious politics that come with, for example, trying to undermine others to get laid.

It goes beyond that though. Western white culture is rooted in this idea that women are to be bought, when ironically Asian guys don’t really harbor that greed and need to pay for it. So that’s why you have things like WMAF in Washington advocating with war with socialist, non-warlike China. Everything in this world is sexual.

The problem is that when we half-Asian men somehow get “weaponized” by our Asian mothers and white fathers, to be this “revenge” on Asian men, to identify and be pushed as this replacement white man to sort of represent the nu-conservative identity of the American western male and his bitter, conservative Asian wife. It’s one of the reasons why half-Asian men are usually castrated nutcases; caught between their mother’s anger at Asian men, and their father’s ultra conservatism. The “Americanism” or “westernization” of the half-Asian male becomes a process of desexualizing and sterilizing him to just be a money making machine for the already sterile western hegemony.

How Half-Asian psychos are born

Here’s a story about how some white guy with Hollywood connects killed and chopped up his Chinese wife. He has three hapa kids, that I’m aware of, or possibly they were full Asian, whether through a previous partner, or maybe she cheated, who knows.

I’m pretty mentally unstable, but that’s fine, because I’m aware of it and have dedicated over 1/4 of my life to writing about it just to let people know what’s going on. What’s going on is basically: I have a psychotic background and upbringing between two racist people in an interracial relationship, and I look more on the Asian side.

I had some good people in my life who I hurt due to self hatred and my racist phase, and my insecurity, and I’ve wanted to undo it.

Anyways, here’s another case where the white dad murders the Asian mom and her family.

My mom tried to murder me (I think over the fact that she hated my Neo-Nazi white dad and wished for daughters – I’m still torn up about whether she wanted to kill me because I looked too Asian or too white – though I recently learned from my brother that she resented white people and my white father for, well, basically being losers who didn’t value education), and my home was literally so insane with violence and other stuff that it’s a miracle my brother escaped with only being a literal paranoid schizophrenic from the trauma. My Chinese family gave ZERO f*cks. I mean ZERO, it’s like they fundamentally didn’t care at all.

My guess is that this is the usual pattern:

Rich, weird, racist white guy who hates white women (they’re ‘sluts, golddiggers, mudsharks, blah blah blah etc).

Asian woman whose prime directive is to “marry up” (which means white man with money)

No love involved, they both deep down hate each other, she probably cheats on him (she’s a pretty woman, I know Chinese women who literally cheat on their husbands with the husband’s boss). Again, my aunts and own mother admitted to me they didn’t love their white husbands. Obviously there’s zero sexual intimacy, and only deranged amounts of denigration and belittling.

He resents her for not being white and his kids not being white, resents her for being able to tell she doesn’t love him. Zero sex, zero interest in sex, maybe there was never sex at all other than the kids, and if there was, there was no actual intimacy or love. She probably openly insults him, belittles, pesters and attacks him (my mother would openly and insult my father constantly for 20 years).

She resents him because she deep down doesn’t love him, but she doesn’t have a choice because she has to marry white. She literally HAS to, in order to integrate and assimilate.

She probably says insanely cruel things, withholds sex, belittles him and the kids

He grows more and more racist, neurotic, due to the inceldom and nagging and belittling, snaps, kills her and her Asian parents

Now you’ve got three permanently shattered Asian looking half-Asian kids who were raised by a mother who legitimately thought it was a good idea to simply marry a man because he was white.

“Go to Asia” as the solution for every white / non-Asian loser male on the planet

Virtually any time the discussion of a man who struggles with dating in the west comes up, the ultimate solution that everyone suggests is “go to Asia (East Asia) and find an Asian girl.”

It’s usually followed up with something like “you’ll automatically become Chad in Asia because you’re tall / non-Asian / have a bigger dick.” How delightful and progressive.

How utterly embarassing for half-Asians to have to listen to this as part of popular male culture.

Apparently Asian men are so pathetic that any guy, no matter how bald, ugly, short, racist, socially repugnant, who struggles to get women into him will go to Asia to “fix himself.” So by nature even the biggest loser can get an Asian girl to finally be a man. It’s almost like a rite of passage for the ugliest, most sexually invisible men on the planet, to get with Asian girls.

Why do half-Asians have to deal with this? On top of being considered Asian in the west, we have to deal with having the literal bottom feeders of the west as fathers? And yet half-Asians have the audacity to claim that they’re extremely attractive.

They’re not wrong though; losers indeed do hate Asian men and go for Asian women as their last ditch effort on having sex. Though I doubt many of these couples do have intimacy at all, since, after all, the entire point of “going to Asia” is because the women “apparently” will overlook how ugly / unbangable a man is in favor of getting a status / monetary boost. Which probably is true. I guess these women are notorious enough for their asexuality that it doesn’t matter that the guy looks like Ed Sheeran combined with Michael Cera. There’s no intimacy in the books anyways.

This is one of the reasons why unattractive women of color go for white men – and usually the most unattractive white men; the feeling of being “beautiful” and white and participating in an asexual, cutthroat, “civilized” ultra-capitalist environment makes them feel better about themselves. And ugly white men get to buy themselves out of inceldom, which was the entire point of western civilization in the first place. A literal match made in hell. The ugliest white men getting women of color through means of money and fighting back against men of color and white women. Real progressive.

When he likes Asian girls but hates Asian men

I had a roommate in college who was like this. All he would do was insult Asians, complain about Asians in the library or cafeteria, make fun of Asian men, say I looked “very Asian at certain angles” (yeah), then he wound up “hooking up” with Asian or half Asian girls. Then in the same breath turn around and harass me, a half-Asian male. And you wonder why half-Asians are nutcases.

He was lanky, bald, nerdy. Just the classic sexually invisible man who couldn’t get non-Asian girls to sexually desire him, kiss him, or sleep with him, so he wound up going for Asian girls. Like most of my male “friends,” he harbored a latent bitterness towards me, for getting better looking women genuinely into me, frankly cause I’m attractive and bangable (though I don’t like to kiss and tell). I get it, I’m so insecure, I’m so desperate, can’t get the poosy, can’t get a kiss, let me just bash on other people to feel big.

These guys go for Asian women as a last resort to feel powerful and strong in their sexuality, since in their minds, despite being rejected by other women, they’re still “bigger than an Asian man.” But deep down they crave the validation that having a white / non-Asian woman see them as truly sexy, but they can’t get it. Oh, I just remembered, it just so happened all these guys came from money. Imagine having all that cash and cars and still can’t get a woman to truly want you – ah, the plight of the average male.

They also simultaneously hate Asian men because this is just classic low-desirability male behavior; to bash others they perceive as beneath them, which generally includes racism. That’s why you can’t hit a racist male and not see an Asian woman behind him. Life is hard, and when you’re insecure you must punch down. Guys who get women for free because they are attractive are always the most uplifting and kind – and none of these guys go for Asian women because of their negative stigma. Add to the fact that “sex” (if it even happens) with a self-hating Asian woman is never fulfilling, and mostly generally about money and practicality (again, if it even happens), and guys with Asian girlfriends or wives wind up being permanently bitter about the fact that not even his own Asian wife / girlfriend wants him. Truly wants him. There’s like a legitimate correlation between how unbangable a man is, how much he “wants” Asian women, and how much he hates Asian men; heck a lot of these guys are half-Asians whose own fathers were like that. Deeply insecure and miserable about their perpetual state of being unwanted by women unless they throw money at it.

Also there’s an element that I’ve seen where a lot of non-Asian men are terrified of women sleeping with black men, so they go for Asian girls subconsciously for the “good girl” thing, because when she doesn’t enjoy sex, there’s a 0% chance she’ll sleep with a black man. Yeah, I wish I was joking. Don’t ask me how I know these things.