“Go to Asia” as the solution for every white / non-Asian loser male on the planet

Virtually any time the discussion of a man who struggles with dating in the west comes up, the ultimate solution that everyone suggests is “go to Asia (East Asia) and find an Asian girl.”

It’s usually followed up with something like “you’ll automatically become Chad in Asia because you’re tall / non-Asian / have a bigger dick.” How delightful and progressive.

How utterly embarassing for half-Asians to have to listen to this as part of popular male culture.

Apparently Asian men are so pathetic that any guy, no matter how bald, ugly, short, racist, socially repugnant, who struggles to get women into him will go to Asia to “fix himself.” So by nature even the biggest loser can get an Asian girl to finally be a man. It’s almost like a rite of passage for the ugliest, most sexually invisible men on the planet, to get with Asian girls.

Why do half-Asians have to deal with this? On top of being considered Asian in the west, we have to deal with having the literal bottom feeders of the west as fathers? And yet half-Asians have the audacity to claim that they’re extremely attractive.

They’re not wrong though; losers indeed do hate Asian men and go for Asian women as their last ditch effort on having sex. Though I doubt many of these couples do have intimacy at all, since, after all, the entire point of “going to Asia” is because the women “apparently” will overlook how ugly / unbangable a man is in favor of getting a status / monetary boost. Which probably is true. I guess these women are notorious enough for their asexuality that it doesn’t matter that the guy looks like Ed Sheeran combined with Michael Cera. There’s no intimacy in the books anyways.

This is one of the reasons why unattractive women of color go for white men – and usually the most unattractive white men; the feeling of being “beautiful” and white and participating in an asexual, cutthroat, “civilized” ultra-capitalist environment makes them feel better about themselves. And ugly white men get to buy themselves out of inceldom, which was the entire point of western civilization in the first place. A literal match made in hell. The ugliest white men getting women of color through means of money and fighting back against men of color and white women. Real progressive.

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