The sexual war between Asian men and Asian women (and white men and men of color)

The divide between Asian men and Asian women is kind of simple. It’s sort of something I noticed over time. It’s actually the fact that Asian men are hypersexual, but Asian women are not.

As an Asian guy I personally know Asian guys who have an incredibly easy time in being intimate with non Asian women, for the reason being that our features, hairlessness, faces, etc. work well on our faces and makes us what I suspect to be the most attractive males. You can see this even with some of the Amerindian looking Mexican guys and some pretty boy black guys. Long before I even knew about any of this, I used to have this gut feeling that I had it on “easy mode” with sex and dating, because of my facial features.

Asian women, however, have the lowest libidos, so many resent Asian men as being “players” and “unfaithful.”

Also, I have seen white guys, even good looking rich ones, struggle to get past first base with women. Yes, I’ve even seen this with hapa guys as well, at least the whiter and ambiguous ones.

On the other hand, I’ve noticed women are more sexually forward towards me and it was pretty obviously because I was Asian. I had to talk with A LOT of people to understand that what I went through was not normal for a man.

So, a lot of Asian women go for white men precisely to avoid sexuality.

Meanwhile, a lot of XF go for Asian men specifically for sexuality, doing things for Asian men they wouldn’t for white or other men.

This causes the issue in our community and in the perception of Asian men and women. Conservative white men seek out Asian women for being less sexual. Asian men, having way more options than white men, or even other races of men, tend to have very high standards, and fuccboyish behavior, which upsets Asian women. However, conservative white men, due to having no intimacy with their partners, lash out a lot, sometimes getting violent with their Asian female partners, and oftentimes take out their anger on Asian men. Meanwhile, Asian men, being more sexually prolific, can be abusive and demanding, but, also, have a tendency to avoid conservatism and other nefarious politics that come with, for example, trying to undermine others to get laid.

It goes beyond that though. Western white culture is rooted in this idea that women are to be bought, when ironically Asian guys don’t really harbor that greed and need to pay for it. So that’s why you have things like WMAF in Washington advocating with war with socialist, non-warlike China. Everything in this world is sexual.

The problem is that when we half-Asian men somehow get “weaponized” by our Asian mothers and white fathers, to be this “revenge” on Asian men, to identify and be pushed as this replacement white man to sort of represent the nu-conservative identity of the American western male and his bitter, conservative Asian wife. It’s one of the reasons why half-Asian men are usually castrated nutcases; caught between their mother’s anger at Asian men, and their father’s ultra conservatism. The “Americanism” or “westernization” of the half-Asian male becomes a process of desexualizing and sterilizing him to just be a money making machine for the already sterile western hegemony.

4 thoughts on “The sexual war between Asian men and Asian women (and white men and men of color)

  1. I find it hard to believe that WM seek AW out for being less sexual. If anything, they seek them out due to being able to do anything sexually derraged to them. WM seek poc women due to the fact that they are less likely to report r*pe and abuse even though this is common in those arrangements


    1. They do it because it gives them a thrill of being unchallenged and in power. Listen to any white guy with an Asian or non white wife. Their wife isn’t even a human to them, just a prop in their narcissistic revenge against POC / white women. These guys do like the whole “trad” thing, they openly claim they want a virgin / non-sexual wife because they’re traumatized by being cheated on by women in the west. So some go into it genuinely thinking that “no sex” = no cheating, she’s easy to control. But I think it ultimately drives them insane. I’m not making this stuff up, you can see it everywhere online.


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