WMAF don’t have sex

For some reason when celibate, unattractive white guys wind up with Asian women, going into it think they’re getting some traditional, submissive sex doll, but instead get an antagonistic, domineering, asexual woman who only married them precisely not to have sex, it makes these guys abusive at best, or more insane and over the top racist at worst. Stephen Paddock and David Chapman (the guy who killed WMAF John Lennon) come to mind.

Asians are some broken, toxic people, and it’s not fair to biracials, and this dynamic plays a big role in why many half-Asians are mentally broken. There has been no real benefit, at all, to being biracial, and maybe at best, some benefit in being an Asian guy.

Basically, some, but not all Asian girls (but especially the ‘white only’ types) can be pretty nasty for no real reason other than the fact that they’re totally asexual and self loathing – I am not exaggerating. I don’t know, but they come across many times as masculine and almost incelly. Asian guys will dump Asian women for being nasty or not putting out. Femcels, basically. I know more than a few guys who just couldn’t take the Asian woman’s behavior and sexual coldness and had to drop her. I know a couple very, very toxic Asian women who tried dating Asian guys but these women just always get dumped. My cousin is a 42 year old virgin and I’m pretty sure her aunt is like a 64 year old virgin…. the only guys who take them are these really rejected white men, or guys who got divorce-“raped” by white women. Both of their partners have ‘issues;’ one is a white guy who my cousin refuses to bring around to our gatherings because in her words, he’s ‘too ugly.’ In the other case, the guy was so traumatized by his (white) ex-wife taking his shit and leaving him, a 20 year dead bedroom relationship with an overtly hostile Chinese woman who can’t stop attacking him every 30 seconds with the most vicious words on hand, is a better deal. The common trend is that these women generally are extremely hostile and nasty to a shocking degree. Domineering, asexual, insulting, and crude.

Asian women in turn will date loser-ish white guys (who can’t get white girls, and are pissed that white girls like having sex with attractive men) because they can force the white guys into a dead-bedroom and not get cheated on. They can be as cruel and nasty as they want. The white guys who are desperate tolerate it because they have to, at least they have a “pretty face” (open to interpretation) that they can pretend they’re in a relationship with, when no other woman will take them. In many cases, the uglier and more desexual the white guy the better, because she gets what she needs: whiter children, social ascension, and doesn’t have to have sex.

On the other hand, non-Asian women are pretty forward about physical attraction being important; which excludes a lot of undesirable white men – such as Michel Houellebecq, OG king of incels, or Woody Allen, or Nicholas Cage, or any slew of alt-right fringe racist weirdos who hate “modern culture” (i.e., sexual culture). And these guys go for totally asexual Asian women who don’t care that these men are of negative sexuality. Asian women tend to hate Asian men being sexual, and maybe even hate that Asian men ARE more sexual than them, and that non-Asian women can love and desire an Asian man more than she can. This is the reason why WMAF couples always seem to have this incel like rage at Asian men and white women. Because that’s literally what they are.

One more thing; the astronomical rates of weird behavior in WMAF couples (including violence) is rooted in the complete lack of sex, love, and respect, which is at bare minimum normal in most normal couples.

You may think that I’m exaggerating, but as an Asian looking half-Asian, I assure you, that Asian women (in particular, the WMAF kind) in general, are the odd ones out, with the casually “cruel” and vicious way they put me down, compared to literally every other race of woman – and men, except for the incel loser males who could only get Asian women. Growing up around them will alter your brain to start to think that life is hell.

Right wing and white supremacist Half-Asians

I think this is something that everyone should know, and it has always been my moral duty for everyone to know. Shamefully, I went through a stage where I was “far right,” but only as a result of my father’s and my white family’s influence. I felt insecure about not being “white,” basically, so I overcompensated.

There’s a lot of right wing, white supremacist half Asians out there. I went through a Neo-Nazi phase myself because I was under the influence of my father, and I feel incredible shame about this. I wanted to be white. My father and family were openly proud to be white and was the typical “decline of the west” type. I had friends in college who introduced me to “Jewish conspiracies” while simultaneously subtly bullying me for being Asian, and this led me to become deeply insecure about being Asian.

Basically, there’s no point in being half white, when you can be full white, and not half-Asian, because being Asian is seen as weird and non-masculine on a male, and there’s so much bullying against Asians. That’s why so many half-Asians act like off brand “white guys,” because our mothers raised us to be this way; after all, our mothers believed marrying a white man was a superior option to marrying an Asian man, “for an easier life of white privilege” – which is why most half-Asians are pretty much de facto white supremacist “Whasians” (even that term is cringe and only exists because most of us are half white).

Our fathers went for Asian women as a way to “take back power” from “slutty traitorous white women.” A lot of white men resent white women for having sex with, let’s just use the most common example – black or Hispanic men. In their mind, they are so traumatized by the sexuality of “non traditional” white women who are not attracted to them, that they will tolerate a completely asexual dead bedroom with a vicious, upwardly climbing Asian woman who doesn’t love them, just out of loneliness and a feeling of power and revenge.

So, when they have kids, I’ve seen white men name their sons ridiculous names like “Maximus” or “Augustus.” They’re so insecure and narcissistic they want their half-Asian sons to “carry on the legacy of the west,” after white women “betrayed” them (simply by not finding them attractive).

A lot of half-Asians who look ambiguous, white, or whatever, wind up never really actualizing and just going along with this, being full blown right wing, anti-POC, anti-Asian, and just supporting every ludicrous right wing talking point under the sun. Asian-knockoff white guys, basically. A lot inherit the very ice-cold pragmatism of Asians and the “bootstraps” mentality of boomer whites, and have this equally asexual, conservative outlook on life, where they just have to ape white masculinity and throw money at women to get them, the entire time being deeply insecure about being Asian through their mothers who are very open about not loving their fathers.

Guys who women genuinely sexually desire have a tendency to not care so much. Life is about love, so, again, this just proves many half-Asians are just as incel as their fathers.

The Half-Asian issue in a couple of paragraphs

I was and to this day, am still severely bullied because I am of Asian (Chinese) heritage, probably because of my Asian first name. Some of my bullies were actually Asian women who are the kinds who only date white men; one girl told me I would “need to go to China to get laid.” I’ve overheard, 100’s of times, racial comments against Asian men, including some from Asian women in my family. I’ve heard anti-Asian comments from non-Asian guys, who could only get Asian women, and were insecure about not being desired by non-Asian women. It’s a terrible burden to bear. For most half-Asians, there is no real pride in being Asian, when our mothers themselves, did not want to be Asian, and wanted to be white.

It’s not rocket science. Why would I, a half-Asian, be even remotely proud of being Asian, when Asian people are more than happy to marry the worst, most horrible non-Asian men around, simply to escape being Asian?

These women enter into pragmatic, loveless, asexual relationships with, and have children, sometimes, if not mostly with white men, sometimes questionable white men (e.g., those weirdo, creepy, undesirable guys who hated ‘slutty’ white women and wanted an easy replacement – aka, cheating natural selection). Hapa men generally do not look white, and even if we did, the burden of trying to deal with our toxic parents, as well as ‘hiding’ our shame at our heritage, is overbearing. Many biracials are insecure about being half-Asian, due to it usually being our mothers who are Asian, and our Asian mothers (but I have seen this with Asian fathers) trying to shame us away from our heritage. Either way, it can’t be argued that we’re white by any metric, and generally Asian is seen as a negative in the west.

The common argument I run across is that “not all hapas look Asian.” Which proves my point – the metric for being a ‘good’ and ‘happy’ half-Asian is to not look too Asian, or basically be a male model. That’s a terrible, terrible mind-f*ck for many biracial Asians, especially when non-Asians and even Asians consider us Asian, when convenient. Besides, it is incredibly racist to suggest that we’re ‘better off’ because we’re half white, and in fact this is what most of our parents tell us, no matter how broken, weird, and miserable our parents really are. That’s it.